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Waste Treating Permit Management in Public and Private Waste Clearance and Disposal Organizations, a

Conducted follow-up environmental inspections for 3 public and private waste clearance and disposal organizations monitored by the EPA: It was to urge them to follow the items agreed in the environmental impact assessments and to assist them in improving their works and enhancing their operation efficiency. Conducted inspection of 82 public and private waste clearance and disposal organizations: It was to make sure that the public and private waste clearance and disposal organizations follow the Waste Disposal Act and other laws related to waste disposal. Conducted sampling and analysis of the water quality at the 10 public and private sanitary landfills, and review the analysis results. Used LIDAR technology to survey the volumes before reaching the full capacities in 10 public and private sanitary landfills, and to analyze the quantities of burial. Chose 3 treating methods and evaluated the treatment logicality and efficiency. Reviewed and drafted the public and private sanitary landfill closure and post-closure care specifications, made 12 reference manuals of waste treatment methods for treatment plant inspecting and auditing, as well as analyzing the illegal profits of public and private waste clearance and disposal organization. Furthermore, held 5 seminars and meetings on public and private waste clearance and disposal organization management enhancement.
Public and Private Waste Clearance and Disposal Organization, Improvement of EIA Follow-up, Treatment Technology, LiDAR Technology, Landfill Closure and Post-Closure Care, Illegal Profits